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Hoe Tactics

 Stop feeling guilty for wanting a relationship where someone takes care of you for a change! This is the secret to Ask, Receive, and Use Your Power! Read the #1 international bestseller that’s become a woman’s secret weapon to secure a luxury life!sugarbaby

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In the years since Ho Tactics was released I’ve met introverts who gained confidence, divorced women who were able to get back in the game, content creators, entertainers, and of course, women world wide from New York to Sydney Australia have used Ho Tactics to find wealthy husbands… what are you waiting for? Don’t be scared to embrace this power…

Below Are Excerpts From The Book: Ho Tactics 

orignal Ho Marilyn

Why aren’t you getting what you deserve from men? Because you’re not honest or in tune with your power. You’re too shy, too weak, and your self esteem is trash. But you pretend that you’re great, but you are filled with insecurities. How you look, what you weigh, where to meet men, what to say to make them like you… so much bullshit insecurity. I’ve taught women to go beyond those basic thoughts and get everything they want. Money, trips, marriage, and loyalty. Ho Tactics is the formula that destroys your basic fears and replaces them with confidence! This is a lifestyle not some shallow BS from some vanilla self-help Guru or fake empowerment from a YouTube personality desperate for views. Ho Tactics works because it can make ANY woman powerful.

Look at Ms. Educated and thirsty… scrolling the internet putting stuff in your shopping cart, obsessively checking your social media, your life is so boring, so predictable, and so by the book and you’re wasting the best years of your life living like a basic ass zombie. You’re so miserable that every holiday weekend, summer, birthday, or special occasion you go act out like the type of woman you hate just so you can feel alive inside. Drinking, posting a million stories on social, and being extra because your normal life is depressing! Aren’t you tired of not living an empowered life? Aren’t you sick of being a bystander? It’s time to become the main character instead of a background player.

Ho Tactics is about unleashing what’s been repressed, not for sex or the benefit of men, but so you can finally become the woman you were meant to be, strong, bold, and worshipped!

Women like you don’t win with that behavior. In the end you won’t find love, you’ll find dick and excuses year in and year out. After the alcohol wears off or latest guy ghosts you, you’re back to reality… back to hating on girls who don’t have to try as hard as you to get chased or wifed. Back to resenting the men that covet Hos and ignore you. You wish you could be powerful and CHASED, but the problem is that you don’t understand what seductive power means. Men chase hos because hos are charismatic, they have swagger, and they can seduce with just a look. What about you? You can dress like a Ho, dance like a Ho, and fuck like a Ho, but you are missing one huge characteristic, Hos get paid.

You’re doing this for self-esteem, you’re doing it for attention, you’re doing it for the ‘gram, but these real Hos are out here doing it for the cars, cribs, clothes, and money. Those thots that shove themselves into cheap outfits and clutch on to bargain designer bags aren’t about Smart Ho life. They are running jokes that will never be in on the punchline that no man thinks they’re cute, just an easy target with their only appeal being that of a sperm dumpster. Real Hos move in SILENCE, they are smarter than the men that you are intimidated by, because they recognize that pussy will forever be power…

There’s A Difference Between Not Needing A Man To Spoil You, and Not Being Able To Get One To Spoil You


Why are you spending your own money when there are men willing to provide? “I don’t need that, I’m independent,” There you go lying to yourself just like every other typical who doesn’t believe in her power. You don’t think you can get spoiled, so you convince yourself that you don’t need it. Ask any woman in a long-term relationship, the lack of having a man that can do for you or romantically treat you to a nice time, gets old fast. You probably don’t think you look good enough to get this treatment– wrong! You’re a woman, you are inherently beautiful and coveted! Ho Tactics doesn’t require a certain complexation, nose shape, ass size, or weight to win! Know how to dress, know how to style yourself, and know how to smile and the world will be yours!

A woman’s appearance is the bait, and her conversation is the hook. Smart Hos know this, and while you’re scrolling your crush’s IG, they’re actually getting him to take her out because they don’t shy away from seduction. This is what you will learn by the end of this book! Real ways to make a man thirst after you.

By now you understand that Hos are not whores, they don’t fuck for money; they fuck minds until they get whatever they ask for. To all of the women that throw the term “Ho” out there without understanding what it truly means, then turn around and go Dutch with Dante or settle for house dates with Daquan because he’s tall with light eyes, you have no right to judge. The moment you let these men brainwash you with fast talk and handsome grins, you become the mark! Men invented the art of manipulation because pussy is highly coveted. Lie, steal, cheat, lie some more… guys are willing to break all rules in pursuit of women. Men you swear are down for you are using Dick Tactics on you right now, and you’re too prideful to see it. Read and re-read the previous chapters until you understand how to win the way I laid out, or you will continue in the struggle cycle until you end up settling like so many women before you…

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From Chapter 15: Turning Old Pussy Into New Money


…your personality wasn’t what was driving him to call and take you out; it was your unexplored pussy that had him blowing up your phone and dying to see you. Only after sex can he lay in bed the next night by himself and be honest about how he views you—“She’s not all that.” Hos are always “all that” because they operate on the mental plane more so than the physical. Hos exploit lust courting because they recognize that it’s all a male game, and understand that even after sex, they can still regain their balance like Gabby Douglas teetering on that beam. The secret weapon isn’t to have more sex or cross the line into fetish sex; it’s the ability to go beyond the physical, and jerk a man off mentally to the point of no return. It’s no longer about the mystery of your box; it’s about the magic inside. Any smart person understands that real magic is nothing more than a well-executed illusion.

You All Fuck the Same

All women fuck the same way. Yes, even you Ms. “I made him bust in 13 seconds” and you Ms. “All I did was let him stick the tip in and zzzzz,” your vaginas don’t do anything new or innovative. The same way you ride dick, your grandmother rode dick. The same way you slurp on a penis head will be just as effective as the way your niece will slurp on one after prom in five years. Don’t suck your teeth or search your phone for some guy to prove that I’m wrong, because any man that has fucked you or will possibly fuck you will side with you having a magical pussy. Take men for instance, do you know why we don’t really have penis envy? Because no matter if it’s a little, medium, or big dick, girls say the same thing in order to make a man feel good, “That was so bomb,” or “You did that, daddy.” It doesn’t matter if it’s true, all that matters is that a man will go into new pussy sure of himself and not afraid if the guy before him was better. Unlike men, there is no “bigger is better” or “motion in the ocean” debate with women. Tight vagina or loose vagina doesn’t even matter because kegels or six months of penis detox can get you back to 22-year-old pussy status. You can ride it from the back, front, sit on furniture, bend over backseats, or dig nails into his back, but what you are doing can be replicated by any woman that has seen porn, show him something those other bitches can’t do!

Instead of tooting your horn about how fast you made some lame bust a nut, figure out how you can further separate yourself from the pack. I’m not referring to gimmicks like toys or squirting, I’m talking about what you do before, during, and after sex to set this man on fire! In the kingdom of shy submissive, lay me on my back and give it to me, women—the verbalizer is Queen. Hos aren’t afraid to talk, not only does this help when it comes time to walk over and pull a mark or ask for favors from that trick, it sets her apart from the average boring lay. This isn’t about talking dirty; that’s only one aspect of Ho sex game, in order to conquer his mind and become the most memorable sex he’s ever had you have to set him up and then finish him with certain techniques. What are these before, during, and after techniques?…continue reading the book and find out the answers.

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