How can you tell if someone is truly interested in you? I’ve given you the negative signs that show you in real ways that someone isn’t into you as much as you thought. Now let’s look at dating and relationships from the positive side. Some of you are so paranoid that you’re going to be played, ghosted, cheated on, etc… that you talk yourself out of a good thing, cut people off too quickly, or refuse to date altogether. Today I want to help calm your mind with some positive reinforcement and ways to test someone’s true intent. What are signs that this isn’t a game, a hunt, or a finesse? How can you be sure that it’s not lust, short-term infatuation, or you’re not a Placeholder? Keep reading…

Men test women early in the dating stage. They test them early in the relationship stage. Many of you are currently in relationships or WERE in relationships where you swore that man was in love because he did nice things, opened up, spilled secrets, and told you that he loved you first. HA!

A man being nice or dropping the L-word, means nothing.

A man buying you a plane ticket to come see him or deleting his dating app for you, means nothing!

A man eating your pussy for hours or holding you after sex like he loves you may feel warm and fulfilling, but it means nothing!

Men, not all of us, but enough of us, treat women we see as Placeholders like they're Game Changers. Other men are so delusional or damaged from past relationships that they try to force a woman they don't want into a spot she's not built for. This is why you see dating stage passion fade the moment an actual relationship starts, engagements get called off, etc... The signs are always there that a man's feelings for you are temporary, but by the time you figure that out, it's too late. Your feelings are hurt and you want to give up because "men play too many games, and you're tired of choosing wrong." Giving up is loser talk. Are you a Spartan or a quitter? There are clear signs that a man is right for you, that he isn't a liar, and that he will pour every drop of his energy into you. But you MUST use patience and intelligence to test the following things. Let's start with ...

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