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Fuck love, fuck dating, fuck this generation of over-texting, under-valuing, game playing fakes. You’re sick of being disappointed and tired of wasting time, so you’re going to break away from romance to focus on self until that bitter taste is gone or someone worthwhile comes along. LMFAO! Yeah okay... You’re over love in the same way a 15-year-old who says, “I hate this house I’m going to run away,” is over their parents.
Once that anger dies out, your "friend" kisses your ass, or you get new attention from someone attractive all of your "Over Dating" bullshit ends and you’re back to doing the same shit you’ve been doing—Entertaining time wasters, sleeping with recycled exes, trying to teach people who don't even like you, how to love you, and ignoring the lessons your last disappointment should have taught you. Why are you so hard headed that you race right back into the game despite all those “that was the last time I do that to myself” affirmations? Simple. Because you don’t know how to be happy alone!
Men and Women both are guilty of this fatal flaw. Yes, I’m talking to you Mr. She Hurt Me, Bro and you Ms. No One I Like Ever Likes Me Back. No matter if you’re recently single and ready to swear it off or if you’ve been single for so long that your coochie’s grown cobwebs, I want to convince you that taking a break is a good thing. However, the insincere and emotionally driven way most of you attempt to hit reset is the wrong way to go about it.

There are women who know how to be in-between boyfriends. There are men that know how to live through a pussy drought. A lack of options isn’t the same as taking a break.
It’s so easy to swear off love when you have a dry phone, or you can only attract exes or people you’ve already curved. That’s like being on a diet when your account is on overdraft. Of course you can have will-power when your ass can’t afford that 900-calorie meal. There’s nothing wrong with getting back in the game after swearing it off, we all say s...

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