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Why is happiness so hard to attain? Why can’t you just meet someone that’s honest, see if you two connect, then either go forward exclusively or end it with no hard feelings after a series of dates? Why can't someone be honest when they're losing interest or looking for something else, break the news, and let you go? Because this is a generation of game players. Ask what a person is looking for; sex or something serious, and they beat around the bush like, “I’m just trying to see where things go.” Ask if a person is happy and they shrug it off like, "Why would you even have to ask?" Then weeks later they're gone.
Think about the average Getting To Know You Stage: Two people date for weeks or months, and then the vibe dies out, distance sets in, and the relationship you were so happy to start never happens. Who wants to keep going through that UP & Down shit with their emotions?
Think about the average Building Stage: Two people agree to be official, move in together, their toxic or annoying traits leak out and they break up. Who wants to start over after months or years of playing house with someone you thought you would marry?
Think About All The Years Wasted: Start/Stop relationships from the time you're 18... Long term bullshit during your 20s that waste your prime years... 30+ repeating the same mistakes, but now you're desperate because you fear being alone. We're talking about 10-25 years of wasting time because you're still moving like a Basica.
You won't know how something will end, and that's the scary part of love. Spoiler Alert: There are dozens of ways to avoid wasting your time if you understand the game. Some men just want to see a girl naked, some women just want to see what a dick is hitting like. Some men are looking for the one, some women are looking for prince charming. How do you figure out who is who?  You embrace the testing stage, no matter if you're single right now, in a relationship, or in a situationship. I've written on how to sniff out bullshit at all levels! The problem is you don't test, you run away or keep giving the benefit of the doubt...
"G.L. I'm afraid to be hurt again, so I cut them off as soon as I see a red flag!" Bullshit. Half of you Block/Delete/Run because you're OVERLY afraid at the sign of a yellow flag. He didn't call you today, he didn't text back, he didn't communicate his weekend plans-RUN RUN RUN. The other half of you do get REAL red flags, and you try to leave only to be pulled back in. Today we're going to reset your brain by exploring and destroying the 7 things that hold you back from love.

Are You Blocking Your Blessings?
Men are easy to hook, seduce, and destroy if use Sp...

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