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If you date strictly for love, then don’t press play. This podcast will only offend you…

If you’re still here then welcome to the world of the Sugar Bowl, where you understand that pussy is power and that men are willing to pay for your company, splurge for your attention, and risk it all just to have you as their unofficial girlfriend.

So how do you get into this lifestyle? How do you stay safe? How do you get things without first having sex? As I wrote in the new version of Ho Tactics: Gold Edition (Click Here To Read) you can still be a sugar baby without giving up the sugar. Today I’m going to answer the top questions and give insight based on stories I’ve gotten from my Sugar Baby clients. Married men, celebrities, Foreign Billionaires, or even regular guys looking to be financially dominated, they are all yours for the taking! Let’s break down how to work your magic… Press Play

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