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Why can't I get pass the first date...
Why do I keep getting ghosted...
Why do I get stuck in situationships...
Women constantly ask me these questions but at the core of this struggle is one thing: Each one of you wants a BOYFRIEND. A committed, exclusive, monogamous relationship with someone who only has eyes for you. As corny as it sounds, you want companionship-- scratch that, you NEED companionship.
"Not me, I don't need a man for anything I'm happy doing me," yeah okay, Ms. Feminine divine energy law of attraction ass face, you can tell yourself that lie but I've seen this play out thousands of times for over a decade. 99% of women I've met have a hole because no matter how many "ain't shit" men they come across they still thirst for male love. Too many of you become exclusive with men who tell you that they still don't want to commit. Too many of you give up pussy and mouth to men who don't even take you on dates. And far too many of you pretend that you don't want anything serious so you don't get hurt, only to end up being hurt ANYWAY. Stop playing games with your heart! Wanting love does not make you WEAK. If you're ever to become a true Spartan you have to be willing to admit your truth-- say that shit to the universe without fear of failure-- I WANT A MAN. allow me to show you how to manifest that, step by step.

How to Break Old Habits
I am a Warrior Queen that sets the rules of my relationship *POOF* a man takes you on one date, tells you you’re special, and you revert into that's bae. What happened to standards? What happened to power? What happened to making that man chase? The relationship crumbles just as quickly as it began because that dude was never Bae, you were just basic.
You choose violence on the internet, but choose cowardice when it comes to these men because you're an undercover Pick Me. Power attracts power. Weakness attracts predators. Look at your life and tell me which one you've attracted. The reason you're get ghosted or get suckered into these situationships where you wait for the man to tell you what he wants is because you're fake strong and filled with false confidence. You talk a good game, but no matter how many inspirational YouTube videos you watch, how many empowerment quotes you spit out, or how many cosmetic upgrades you get, in the end you're still a weak little girl with low self esteem.
No matter how tough you talk between relationships the REAL you is that person that shows up in an actual relationship. Men don’t like to be pressured to give out titles, so you don’t pressure. Men don’t like to pay on dates, so you compromise. Men don’t like to be asked questions about their jobs, so you don’t bring it up. He hasn’t called in days, but when he does call asking to come through, you don’t even hold him accountable! Look at you walking on egg shells again, when you swore you were going to do better. The habits of your love life have shown that you're all talk, and rarely stand your ground. Sure you can bully the simps or act tough when it comes to guys you find unattractive, but every time your TYPE pops into your life, you repeat the same mistakes and take the same loses...
In the end, you’re not a Spartan, you’re a little girl that got tough for a few months when things were hopeless, and you needed an esteem injection. Now that you’re back to consistent dick, conversation, and cuddle sessions the last thing you want to do is rock the boat, even if that boat is floating on a river of lies. You are a weekend Spartan that only wants to stand up for herself after an argument or learn how to use her Power when things reach a boiling point. That’s not being powerful, that’s being a perpetrator! You think like a Spartan inside the house, but as soon as you step outside to put it to the test you let this world beat you back into bad habits. The Universe keeps giving you these men of low value and poor character for because you're confused as to what you truly want out of life. You say you need a certain type of man, YET chase another type. Stop sabotaging the process by contradicting yourself each time you start dating, then wonder why you have poor results.

How to Free Your Mind
One of the main reasons why many women will never be able to Spartan Up is Bullshit Fantasy Thinking. There is a little voice in their heads that sounds like a British Fairy God-Mother, and it’s telling them that everything will be fine. You just need to meet the right man, and he will appreciate your character and shower you with the level of affection that will have made all the turmoil worth it. Womp Womp!
This Disney Princess mentality tells you that the good girl gets the good guy 100% of the time, and it has morphed the reality of real dating and created a generation of airheads who are easy to fuck. *bzzzzzzz* Every time an iPhone vibrates, a basic bitch gets hustled out of pussy. Lies don't sound like lies when a man looks the right way. Bullshit smells like roses when a man flashes a little money. And a dead end looks like a happy ending when a man can sell a love starved woman on potential.
Remember The Little Mermaid, the beautiful misunderstood fish girl that saved the prince from drowning and made him fall in love. It showed the power of sacrifice, and how you should go for what you want—Wrong! The Little Mermaid is about Ariel the half-fish half-thot who sold her voice for dick. You too can find the man of your dreams, if you are willing to sacrifice everything to be with him, it’s not like your “voice” is important. This ho lived under water and was still thirsty, you live in a city with countless single men, yet you still hold on to the same ain’t shit dude, different ocean, same fish. Aladdin gave us Princess Jasmine who was strong, free spirited, and courageous. Then she let this bum ass street rat win her over by perpetrating a fraud that he’s a baller who just pretends to be bumming it. This idiot Jasmine is a metaphor for every woman that has accepted a man’s lies, forgave him, and is happy to forget because men have the right to manipulate women if they have a good heart. In the end, Aladdin can let that Genie go because he just hooked a bitch who is about to inherit a fortune. The moral of the story? Take care of a lying ass dude and give him all your family’s money because he loves you.
A generation of young girls internalized this shit! As they grow out of cartoons they are still fed fantasy by their friends, parents, and told at every turn what to do so they won't end up lonely. Play your position if you want a boyfriend… No play this position if you want a boyfriend… No play that position if you want a boyfriend. Women listen to all of this submissive relationship advice that says, “You have to roll over if you want a man to put up with your shit.” Why does Beauty have to put up with the Beast? You all have been brainwashed to tap dance for these men! Now that you're older you haven't rejected this mindset, you're still doing circus tricks to get chose. PICK ME! I WILL SPOIL YOU! I WILL SUBMIT! I WANT TO BE A PRINCESS LIKE I WAS PROMISED. It's time to break free from the bullshit!
If your happiness is tied to your quest to find a boyfriend, then you've already lost. Life isn't about mastering how to be a good woman for "him", Queens weren't born to thirst after rings and relationship status, they were born to rule. This world trains women to stay on their knees, because those that learn to stand ask too many questions. It’s a bunch of weak bitch propaganda, and in the end weak minded women will continue to listen to that Bullshit fantasy voice, because unlike the voice of reality aka the voice of Spartans, it gives her hope that she will live happily ever after. Fuck hope, you don’t need hope if you have the Confidence and Common Sense of a Warrior Queen. You should never hunt for a boyfriend, you should hold multiple interviews until one emerges from the pack. So the question is, are you going to keep listening to what sounds good, or are you going to be a realist and Spartan Up 24-7/365?

How to Manifest a Man
There's a trick to the law of attraction that isn't normally shared with people. The first step in this process is t...

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