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“G.L. could you PLEAZ talk about how men fake feelings? I’ve been with this man since last July of the pandemic and he finally confesses he moved to fast and wants to slow it down A YEAR LATER. I’m not dumb, and I’m not alone as my co-worker told me that something happened to her, but she was engaged at the time. My guess is that most men do this to women on the regular and are super fake and unsure of what they want, which is nothing. I really think that faking feelings is good topic.”

Do men fake feelings or do you read too much into their actions? What does it take to make you exclusive? What does it take to make you agree to be his girl? What does it take to accept a marriage proposal? All it takes is a man to ask, and so many of you rip off your Spartan armor and reveal yourselves as Basicas thirsty to say “Yes! You can have me based on basic ass treatment”.

8 out of 10 men you meet DO NOT WANT YOU... but they will play along for a very long time as if they do. These guys see you as "okay" and when a man is lazy he's on the hunt for a girl like you who's low maintenance and starved for affection. I know that hurts your ego, but you need to hear that so you can do better! Don’t sit there and talk about how great your intuition is when your life story is filled with examples of you being used, confused, or heartbroken. If you were so fucking amazing at discerning the male agenda, you would be winning right now when it comes to love.
The moment a guy takes you out and texts you "good morning" you're swinging from his dick and missing all kinds of red flags. You never stop to think about his true agenda, let alone vet him at a high level. Why? Because you don’t know how men think, you assume, you pretend, and you talk a big game, but there are so many pieces you’re missing!
Today I’m going to break down the mind of men and why they settle in the first place. There are women who we, as men, see as trophies… then there’s women who we see as something to do or “safe options” to settle down with or start a family. Being the safe option never lasts. There has never been a man in the history of settling who doesn’t eventually grow bored. You THOUGHT you were his “everything” or “soul mate” only to get blindsided with the fact that you didn’t mean as much as he led you to believe.
Some of you start off as “Wifey Types” but begin to do insecure things that make a man see you as less than what he did those first few months. Sure, he’ll keep you around, but the feelings, the energy, the chemistry has leaked out, and now here you are just something to do, no longer that prize.
If you’re ready to finally open your eyes to male games and also look at your own actions to truly attract and inspire high quality men who actually want you for life, not just until they can do better, then clear your mind and let’s begin...

Why Low Maintenance Wome...

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