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Women only want you for your money. That line has been repeated billions of times and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Get the money, get the power, and get the pussy. If a man believes that than he has no confidence in himself. Sure you can get a few dollars and buy someone that looks like Beyonce… for a night, doesn’t make you special, it makes you a trick. When I chronicle my experience with women I can say without a doubt, I had the most girls at one time when I was a broke film student. I have homeboys who are unemployed and are knocking down chicks like they’re Donald Trump. I’ve known ugly dudes who’ve hammered down dimes and gotten money out of them. The point is a woman, including top shelf five stars, will fuck with you regardless of wealth, status, or occupation. You just got to have charisma.
70% of guys don’t know this. This is where you’re thirsty niggas come into play.
A thirsty nigga is that dude with low self esteem, maybe a small penis, who is a little too eager to know you. You’ll have to question if this guy’s even had sex. To Mr. Thirsty every half way decent chick that walks by him is a Christmas gift. Mr. Thirsty will have you saying, “I know I’m cute but not that damn cute for him to be riding my clit like this”. Mr. Thirsty is the reason why the nightclubs can sell bottle service and why they invented “rentable Rims”. Mr. Thirsty with money is the biggest fool in the world. This guy sees a bad bitch across the room and he walks over, but instead of introducing himself, he begins to sell himself like a timeshare. “Oh I do this. Oh I know such and such” then will proceed to check his watch so you can see that it’s blinging or pull out his car keys so you can see the emblem. A Smart woman has seen this before, and will rightfully lead this fool to the bar and have him buying drinks for her crew or end up at his table making him blow his fronting money on more bottles of Grey Goose. At the end of the night Mr. Thirsty will be happy to...

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