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I was in Hollywood walking down one of the busy nightclub strips when my boy said something interesting “lets go to a club, but I DON’T want to go to one where’s it’s a bunch of black women”. Needless to say being where we are that’s easy. Rock, Goth, Asian, Persian, not to mention the endless techno and deep house clubs that are melting pots for weirdly hot chicks. We settled on the Asian club. Let’s skip thousands of miles away to the East Coast to my hometown of Baltimore where I get a call from one of my homies saying “I’m sick of Black girls, I need to upgrade”. Let’s fly coach back to LA where my homeboy who I went to college with asks me about my wedding, “Your marrying an Italian aren't you, I always knew you liked Italian girls.”  I quickly respond by saying “no, my fiancée is black”.
I find all shades of women pretty, but I especially love black women. For those who prefer other races more, cool, but I really wanted to talk about why so many black men that I know not only dismiss black women, but go out of their way to put them down.
Why have Black Men grown sick and tired of Black Women? Is it simply a case of seeking something new that you may have never experienced and the thought that the “grass is greener on that side”? Or is it something deeper, cultural even, that digs into the brains of Black men and makes them think that bagging a woman of a different race is an upgrade over what they have been accustomed to?
What is Exotic? Something that’s different from the norm, in this case something that you didn't grow up seeing. Men love exotic shit, exotic liquor, exotic cars, and exotic looking women. The reason that teenage black girls get light grey contacts and bright hair colors is because it looks exotic, and men are drawn to it rather than the standard dark brown eyes and hair. I’m from the hood; I grew up looking at little skinny girls with nappy ponytails. Some were cute, some were beautiful, and others were UGGG. But regardless of being aroun...

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