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If a girl could ask one question it would be this: Why Do Guys Play So Many Games? That’s all they want to know, not the meaning of life, is there a god, Did Mickie Rourke die at the end of the Wrestler? They don’t care about any of that shit. They want to know why niggas play with their emotions. What do we get out of it? Why do we have to lie and cheat? What’s the point of you doing that and this and so on and so forth? We play so many games because girls let us. You keep giving me quarters; I’m going to keep putting them into that arcade. We act that way because Women have a high threshold for bullshit. Suck your teeth, threaten to fuck that lightskin nigga who works at your job, delete our number from your phone—go ahead! And the Academy Award goes to… Your Ass! You’re not going anywhere, you’re not fucking anyone, and even if you delete his number you know it by heart, so when that number pops up you answer in your cute sexy voice like “…hello”. So the Question shouldn’t be Why Do Guys Play Games, its Is His Dick Really that Good?

If you text him several times and he doesn’t respond—he’s not ignoring your text messages, he wants to see how psychotic you’re going to make yourself look. He’ll save all 31 of the messages and show his boys how you went from crazed (I KNOW YOU GETTING MY TEXT I’M GOING TO CUT YOUR DICK OFF) to jealous (IT’S YA EX AIN’T IT? YOU DON’T GOTTA LIE) to apologetic (u knw I luv u bay, just text me, I don’t mean to get this way) – Is The Dick That Good?
If he tells you you’re going out then doesn’t show up—he’s not being rude, he’s being smart. If you haven’t fucked a girl you have no problems taking her anywhere she wants to go, niggas will trick on Atlantic City trips for untouched coochie, but that same nigga will not take a bitch to AMC Cinema 7 at matinee price if he’s already ran up in it. Why should he? If you’ve given up the vag without him ever taking you out, you’ve established parameters for your relationship—“You have the ri...

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