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So he has no job, cheated on you, and his dick is little. You finally broke up with him last month after you gave him opportunity after opportunity to change. Come November you’re back with him. You can’t explain it to your friends, fuck; you don’t even feel the need to justify your decision to anyone. You still have feelings for him and you always will—it’s not your fault, right? Wrong bitch.

It blows my mind that girls have no will power when it comes to ending a relationship. NONE. You know the main reason new relationships don’t work. It’s because women never truly end the old relationship. A female can be six months removed from her last dude, she’s stopped texting him, unfriended him on Facebook, and erased his number, and is now in the midst of a new relationship. Then like clockwork she will let that old nigga come back into her life and turn it upside down. WHY?

You want to hear about the time I was accused of rape? Well you’re going to hear about it anyway. This girl who I was with for about four months, she got engaged. Me being the unapologetic asshole I am, I decided to test her commitment to her new boo. I had no romantic feelings for this girl, or a desire to “hit it one last time”; I just wanted to conduct an experiment. So after talking to her on the phone for a day or so and doing a shit load of reverse psychology, I got her to admit that she missed me yada yada. The next day I go over to her place and I smash. Not only did I smash I got her to give me head (no reciprocation on my part) just because we men find some kind of sick pleasure knowing that your girl is kissing you after slobbing us—I blame that mentality on rap music.

A few weeks later I called her and said something ignorant like “you tell your fiancé how I hit it in yall bed”? (Funny thing about girls who cheat, they don’t mind joking about their adultery) She wasn’t in a joking mood, she sounded sad. Now even though I was playing games with her, I still thought of this girl as...

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