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If you love your boyfriend, how much shit are you willing to put up with? Most women proclaim automatically that they would drop a man in a minute if he did her wrong. “I wish he would blah blah blah” those types of threats are emptier than Toni Braxton’s bank account. Women take “The Title” serious. They change Facebook statuses, they find excuses to call ex- boyfriends so they can rub it in; they have to tell everyone they know because it’s a big deal to find love. The double edge sword is that once you tell everyone you’re together you have to deal with everyone asking what happened when you break up. Besides the obvious “but I love him” excuse I think fear of failure is the second reason women stay with their asshole boyfriends longer than they should. Women don’t want to admit that it didn’t work out. I could break up with a girl and not think twice about how it makes me look. More than likely only four people breathing knew she was my chick anyway. Men don’t spread the word when they give a girl the title, if someone asks you might tell them, but we don’t scream it to the heavens like women do. Pop quiz hot shot: Tony broke your heart but you love him, what do you do? Do you keep putting up with him or do you throw in the towel and admit that you didn’t pick the right man.

 If you said you’d break up with Tony you’re lying. I know a lot of women. I’ve seen the cockiest bitches humbled by no good niggas. We all have. Everyone reading this knows some egomaniacal broad who got fucked over and didn’t jump ship. “Oh we working it out girl, we ain’t going to let that stop us” *proceeds to nod head then talk shit behind her back*.  On the flip side maybe Tony is a good dude, he just strayed a little. We are men; we are bound to fuck up. I don’ care if it’s getting caught sending perverted text messages to an ex or sleeping with some random girl, mistakes are made by the best of us. If Tony’s a good man to you and he gets caught in a Bill Clinton moment—you should fo...

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