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A man is on the hunt for wifey or pussy, but at what point in the relationship will he abort that mission all together? Men can and will pass up pussy. Let's repeat that. Men can and will pass up pussy. I've been asked numerous times, "Why did he stop calling me? It was all good, we spent all this time together, and he disappeared without explanation and without trying to have sex with me". On paper it does look crazy if a man puts in time, money, and genuine effort then suddenly decides to ignore her phone calls. But it's not crazy. Crazy is a word given to things you don't understand, and to understand why the guy you were feeling gave you the cold shoulder, you have to look at yourself.

Men will put up with a lot when first trying to fuck you... but after they fuck you then our minds think "is this wifey, can I deal with her attitude and flaws OR is she not worth the trouble." Many of you are NOT worth the trouble. Your vagina isn't that good, your head isn't that soul snatching, and your dirty talk in bed isn't freaky enough to make up for your lame or problematic personality.

Everyone has trauma, everyone is flawed, but do you understand your faults and are you working to correct them or heal so you CAN be loved by the right types of men. Let's do a checklist of who you ARE:

Think about your last dating experience or relationship... Did you show signs of jealousy, get emotional over little things, try to rush a relationship, or get clingy or annoying anytime he wanted to skip a night with you to be with his boys? You cannot rely on a man to tell you where you went wrong because most men are introverted when it comes to expressing their feelings. Telling a girl "I'm not feeling you like that anymore" is harder than saying "I love you" because love needs no explanation. On the other hand telling a girl who's done nothing terribly wrong that she's not good enough, opens a can of worms that no man wants to deal with, so we run.

One woman emailed me hurt that this guy she's been seeing for a few months ceased all communication with no rhyme or reason. Fuck him, move on, right? Nope, she still wants to talk to this asshole, and was looking for a way to get him to pick up the phone and resume what they had. "G.L. I know you understand how you men think at a level deeper than my male friends, so how do I get him to talk to me again but not seem so desperate..." Okay basica, here's the answer: You have to

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