There is one thing I find extremely ironic, and that's the bashing of black men by a number of black women. We've all heard the phrase "Niggas ain't shit" it's not being uttered by Mitt Romney's campaign manager; it's being said loud and publicly by our own women. Black men are lazy weed smoking video game playing white girl lusting rap fantasy having sneaker-obsessed cheaters that think the world owes them for slavery. Um okay. If Blacks are the lease desirable men in the United States, why do black women continue to date them, love them, fuck them with no condoms, and cry over them? This entire "ain't shit" attitude doesn't come from all black women. It comes from a loud minority, who for various reasons, are constant Bum Magnets. It's the frustration from those women that has created this big sweeping generalization. If enough women are clinging to these beliefs, wouldn't that make it true? Not at all. Dating and relationships are like Yelp reviews, rarely do you see people chime in when everything is great, it's only when they are done wrong that they voice their opinions. From an entertainment standpoint, I enjoy "ain't shit" jokes about lazy, bad credit having black men. I never take offense because I'm a young black successful man who treats his woman like the goddess she is. However, just like I feel a need to stand up for black women, I feel a need to stand up for my brothers out here who don't get a fare shake because of this stigma. For every bum nigga that would rather live off his baby mama, play Xbox, and try to fuck your homegirl when you're not around, there are ten more brothers who are about their business.
Right now, a few black men are reading and think they know the reason for this problem. They believe black women are angry or bitter so they look for ways to slander the brotherhood. Wrong! Both men and women love to play the victim card and that young shit is what keeps the sexes divided. I don't think black women are bitter, I think they're di...