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I heard Snoop rap, "Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks" before I even had my first girlfriend. I had no idea what that meant at the time, but the older kids would quote it so we younglings assumed Snoop was preaching the gospel. As boys get older and experience heartaches, those lyrics go from being words that rhyme to a state of mind. Your crush chooses another guy over you—Snoop was right. Your girlfriend breaks up with you—Snoop was right. Rumors circulate that your girl is a freak, niggas are probably lying on their dick, but you don't take her word because Snoop is always right. Men do not want to understand women; we would rather crucify them for making us feel vulnerable. One of my favorite lyrics from Wayne is, "Had my heart broken by a girl named Tammy, but hoes going to be hoes so I can't blame Tammy". That one line explains not only Wayne's constant jabs at womankind but all rappers love/hate relationship with females. Women scare us. The fact that you can fall in love with a chick who ends up giving your pussy away turns even the most secure men paranoid.

"She keep begging me to hit it raw,
So she can have my kids and say it was yours
How foul is she? And you wifed hers/ Shit, I put the rubber on tighter"

When you grow up experiencing love and loss in the ghetto, you meet one particular kind of girl that traumatizes you for life. She's the prettiest girl on the block and in addition to you, she's being courted by every nappy-headed kid around the way. Who does she choose? No matter how charming your broke ass is, the older cat or the hustler will usually come away with the girl of your dreams. Boys do not get on the phone with their friends and talk about rejection and having their feelings hurt. Those emotions are seen as feminine so guys keep that shit in until that hurt grows into rage. That girl goes from being his crush to being a hoe, and from that day forth he will put his guard up so he won't experience that pain ever again. Track 16 on The...

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