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Basic bitches love shortcuts, no matter how many times you try to explain to them that you can’t force a man to reciprocate love, they look for ways to prove you wrong. Walking away from someone who doesn't respect you as a woman is apparently the hardest thing in the world. Accepting that no matter what you do, some men will never think you’re good enough hurts too much. And looking in the proverbial mirror to figure out your own shortcomings in order to make yourself more appealing, takes is an effort you don't have time for. Basicas swear they are perfect, the men they love will eventually love them back, and all they needs to do is figure out a cheat code  to get from Pussy to Wifey by the end of the year. There is no up up down down, Konami code to win this game! Throwing pussy, letting dudes get in your throat, and giving payday loans is a thirsty bitches love hustle, and it usually ends in failure and heartbreak. However, there is one way to keep a man in her life forever-- a baby. Basicas have babies and think that maternity will turn into matrimony. Because of that delusional stance on love, these women end up in a never ending cycle of chasing men who want nothing to do with them or getting played by men who use the baby daddy status to take advantage. He came inside you and said he loved you, but it takes more than nut and words to prove that he's genuine. Pussy is a hell of a drug, and sorry to break the news but impregnating a woman is not an indication of true love.
I’ve gotten more than a few emails from mothers talking about “I’m just trying to make this work for my son ”. 9 out of 10 times I call bullshit on these ladies because the stories they tell me have NOTHING to do with wanting a father for their child and EVERYTHING to do with wanting a man to call their own. It’s disgusting that children are being used as handcuffs, child support is being used as leverage, and baby mama status abused in order to chase away the other women in his life. "She ...

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