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When I wrote about how women should date multiple men it caused a stir, understandably men want to bully and guilt women into staying in their so-called “place” and less progressive thinking kitchen bitches quickly put their hands over their ears, as they naively want to stay in the kitchen they've become accustomed to. When I heard stories of freed slaves preferring to stay on the plantation, it amazed me as a kid, but later on it became clear that there will always be people who view any change in tradition as bad, no matter how liberating it really is. It is what it is. The real reason I bring up the last post was one comment.

“Maybe my pride won't allow me to believe that after meeting me, a man would even WANT to date other women”

Pride, ego, hubris—it’s the reason Achilles fell during the battle of Troy, Anderson Silva no longer has a UFC belt, and why some refuse to play the dating game, choosing instead to let their "boss" swag pull someone in. Pride is also the main reason girls refuse to get the clear hint that they're seen as just pussy when dealing with those men they really want to be with. It’s early into summer yet the top emails I get besides when does my book come out has been the, “I met a friend, he says he doesn’t want a relationship, but what does that really mean because we still kick it?” inquiries. I’ve talked a lot about Players and how they gas women up, but I’ve never really touched on the other side of being played—Playing yourself. You have to count your value in pesos if you allow a man to keep fucking you after he's told you you're not good enough to be his girl. I’m a firm believer in confidence, which is knowing you’re the shit without feeling a need to tell someone, not pride which is proclaiming you’re the shit, yet having to tell and show everyone reasons why because no one is convinced naturally. Pride is a weak and selfish emotion and to quote Marsellus from Pulp Fiction, “Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.” A lot o...

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