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This week I watched the most pathetic episode of Catfish I’ve ever set through. I like the show and it’s always good for a laugh, but this episode went beyond the usual Jerry Springer melodrama. Featuring the odd couple of Dorion and Raffinee (don't ask), this episode showed perfectly how the disease of low self-esteem can easily turn a woman into a bottom bitch. To sum it up, this guy Dorion was talking to some Angelina Jolie looking chick online for two years. During that time, he had setbacks and became homeless. Enter Raffinee and her family to take him in, a relationship sparked and he put the online girl to the side. Once the Catfish producers offered him his best chance (and a free plane ticket) to see the girl he really wanted, this niggas was like, “Rafeeke who?” and went down to Texas hoping he really bagged some Latina with epic DSLs. You know the drill; online girl is not really that girl, blah blah blah. The real story is that Raffinee allowed her boyfriend to go chase online ass with her blessing! In the end he ran back to the chick whose roof he’s living under (I mean c’mon where else was he going to go) and of course she took him back, heart full of hurt, but afraid to say in her best Ciara voice, “He gon regret the day he left me (oooo yayayay).” This was pumped up for TV, but every day men neglect what they have, sometimes just as blatantly, and go off to find something more appealing. Just like Dorion, when things don’t work out, guys run right back to the women they didn’t think were good enough and those thirsty women take them back, happy to be Plan B.
We all know that lack of appreciation leads to resentment but over appreciating someone can be just as stressful. When it comes to women, I’ve seen how those who aren’t used to the amenities that come with being treated like a top shelf chick get open off the most basic courting. This leads to them catching feelings way too fast, being exploited, or hanging on to a man based simply off the fact t...

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