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Why don’t black men commit, why don’t college guys commit, why don’t the guys in my city commit? Why do they treat me like they love me then act as if I mean nothing? Those are the questions that women ask… Why do girls give up the box first, and then ask for a relationship? Why do girls think sex equals a relationship in the first place?  Those are the questions that men ask… The disconnect between men and women has and will always be, “what does sex really mean?” Certain women think that any man who deems her worth fucking and feeding, also deems her worthy of a relationship. Some girls say this aloud; some keep that shit to themselves and assume a man is smart enough to know what she expects. Either way, it’s a game that women usually lose. I’m not talking “overtime field goal, damn that was close” lose; bitches are being blown out by men in terms of this relationship battle. The reason being is that by the time a woman has “the talk” about what they are going to be, that man has already gotten the pot of gold. Even if he likes her, he’s not going to be pressured into being with her. Her conversation and friendship isn’t priceless, so he walks away with his head high because he got the only thing he saw as valuable—pussy. In the end, all the woman gets is a lesson in, maybe your naïve ass should have gotten what you wanted first like a normal person.
Most women have no idea how to spark a man’s interest with their clothes on; sex tends to be how shy women, insecure women, and nervous women show a man that they like him. Outside of the bedroom they try too hard to impress or try too hard not to seem like they’re trying to impress and it comes off as bipolar. Women play these games because they hear guys talk about, “I hate corny bitches that act like xyz…” When women who haven’t had success with love or women who do those “corny” things hear guys say that, a light bulb goes off like, “Now I understand men, they say they want this, I’ll act like this,—I’m saved!” B...

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