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If I had to bet money on your long distance relationship failing, I'd push all my money in without blinking. The internet is a great place to meet new people, but a horrible place to find love if you don't have (not so) common sense. It boils down to fools rushing into relationships because they think it's better than their local options. When you are caught up with someone new, distance doesn’t matter because the fantasy of “They understand me unlike the people in my city” takes over. Suddenly it all makes sense; your past relationships didn’t work out because you were looking in the wrong city. It wasn’t me it was the zip code! Yeah okay… you’re so caught up that you don’t even realize wishful thinking is brainwashing you. You believe you can handle a Long Distance Relationship because you hear these happy ending stories: It started from a DM and now we’re engaged… We met one weekend while he was visiting and he told me he couldn’t get me out of his mind… I was on a business trip and we exchanged emails, now we’re inseparable… These stories about people you don’t know finding love is Kool-Aid that romantics love to lap up. I’m not here to feed you sugary bullshit. The reality is that I have seen couples that make it, but I’ve seen three times the amount that didn’t make it. Long distance relationships fail because people in them don’t know what the fuck they’re getting themselves into, nor do they put the person to the test early on. Most of my emails this summer have been about the women (and one man) who were fucked over trying to make a LDR work, after I told them—This isn’t going to work unless you do this… Of course, they don’t listen because they think their situation is different. I get it, people need to learn their lessons, not be saved from them, or else they never grow. Nevertheless, I have to say my peace for those who want a Relationship, not some bullshit Long Distance Situationship.
Types of LDR
The Let’s Hold On LDR: You have a boyfriend/girlfriend...

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