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This year is going to be different… until it turns into more of the same. Each new month is a chance to reset and refocus those goals, and maybe you do for a few days, then you get distracted by life’s problems, and once again put those goals to the side. Your business plan collects dust. That website name you bought is still parked. That gym membership goes unused. That application to take yourself back to school just sits there… should I continue? There are so many people who take the first step, but never follow up. It’s only when you see someone online winning or bump into a friend or associate who actually turned something into nothing do you become triggered to once again start over… but even that “If they can do it so can I,” motivation dies out in favor of more of the same. Aren’t you tired of doing and saying the same shit?
On social media people were posting photos from 10 years ago comparing how their looks have changed, but what about their bank accounts? Is your bank account where you thought it would be 10 years ago? Is your love life where you thought it would be 10 years ago? Are you on the path to doing what you dreamed of 10 years ago? Each one of you had a drive to do something special, to be great, to share your talent or innovation, and to carve out a piece of this world for yourself. Some of you have done that or on the verge of doing that, while others are still sitting around waiting for an opportunity, instead of creating an opportunity.

The goal wasn’t to work a job you barely like. Your goal wasn’t to drive someone around for money. Your goal wasn’t to work two part time jobs. Your goal wasn’t to live paycheck to paycheck. You had a feeling that you would do great things, so where did that feeling go? No one was hiring in your field, you had student loans to pay off so you just had to take a job, you ended up getting pregnant so you had to lower expectations, maybe you were waiting for a friend or a family member to partner with you and...

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