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You spent all that time holding them down and they randomly said they needed space...
You sacrificed and settled, only to have someone that wasn't even all that cheat on you.
You wasted years thinking it was going to end in marriage, there family felt like your family, and here they are about to marry someone new.
The reality is that the person you're with RIGHT NOW, won't be the person you end up marrying. The person who you're doing all that shit for currently, will end up taking everything you taught them and giving it to someone new.  Yes, sis, you're currently training someone to be a better partner and while they are out finding true love, you will grow angry about all the time you wasted on someone that's happy while you're sitting there single as fuck stalking Instagram stories.
But it's never too late to get revenge...

How do you make a man feel the same hurt tha...

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