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Let's stop being polite: Is the reason you can't find love because of how you look?

Imagine the prettiest girl you've ever met. Now be honest. If you looked like that girl you just thought about would you be in your dream relationship right now? If you changed your own appearance let's say, 20% would guys be approaching you more often or would someone you once dated have stuck around?

Men are shallow, even the ugly ones, and especially the ugly ones with clout or money. Still, how much do looks matter? There are women who you think you look better than that are either married or involved with the type of guy you would love to have. There are women who weigh more than you, that have no problem getting top shelf dick to chase them. Looks play a part in a man choosing a woman, but how much, and how do you put the odds in your favor no matter how you look?

Today I want to break down the idea of Girlfriend Pretty: What level is girlfriend pretty to the typical male. What makes a man choose one woman over another.

Men like petite...
Men like exotic...
Men like thick...
Men like blah blah blah...


Look up the top porn videos that get beat off to on Pornhub, it's not going to be some perfect looking woman.

Look at some of the most successful women on Onlyfans that these men are paying to message, they aren't Vogue cover girls. Stop assuming you know what guys like and understand that WE AS MEN are diverse in our tastes. You are holding your own self back by not embracing your looks!

SPARTAN TEST: Right now I want you to grab a mirror and look at yourself. Next I need you to do a test. On...

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