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It's never too late to reinvent yourself and become more feminine, more seductive, and more desired. A lifetime of having to check your emotions, keep your guard up, or carry the weight of of your family on your shoulders can harden a woman. When you date can you let the man lead or do you have to be in control? When you're trying to attract new men you know how to dress "sexy" but do you know how to dress sensual and attract a better breed of men who aren't just looking to have sex because they see you as a fetish? When you're in a relationship do you know how to let go of your past trauma, abandonment issues, or fear of failing to be the kind of woman a man drops his entire roster for? Too many of you are out of balance with your feminine energy and it's manifesting in your day to day life.

It's time to reinvent yourself, beloved...

You say you're "wifey" but your giving "homie" you're giving "sis" you're giving "fuck buddy." You use too much slang, you say "bro" or curse too much, and while these men smile in your face they are calling you "mannish" in their head. On Today's show we break down the blueprint for becoming soft and discuss a checklist to truly reinvent yourself. We also answer some important questions about your online persona and the ways you may secretly attracting fuckboys while pushing quality men away before they even have a chance to DM you.

Don't miss out on these gems! Press Play and upgrade your life!

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