A guy chased you for years trying to get a date, and you finally gave in only for him to lose interest a month later…
A guy spent weeks blowing up your phone, taking you out, and tricking gifts only to randomly become too busy to text back…
A guy who had a WHOLE girlfriend left her just to get a shot with you, only to ghost you without reason…
Catch and Release it’s what we males do at some point during our lives if not for life. Every woman reading this has had a man on her heels; thirsting, spending, begging, being vulnerable all in an attempt to get your full attention. THEN the moment you start to like this guy more than usual, he switches up. You hate to admit it, but a guy Sliming you out either has happen or will happen! Sometimes it comes after sex, sometimes you don’t even have sex. Regardless if you sleep with him or not, the real damage comes in the form of the confused rejection. You're out here entertaining men who you assume are falling for you, but in reality they just want a turn with you. "I'm the wifey type, I can help a man grow," he doesn't give a fuck, beloved. His aim is to fuck you until he gets annoyed with you, then toss you to the street in favor of a new woman who he sees as his real Game Changer. Your job isn't to get mad and hate men, it's to get smarter by understanding why these guys target you to begin with.

Let’s be honest ladies, sometimes these false alarm men are everything you’re looking for physically and personality-wise... but 8 out of 10 times they’re not your type physically, you gave them a chance because of what-- say it with me -- you were lonely and bored! You adjusted your checklist because of how he pursued you. Coming correct with real effort, is a turn on that quickly turns Mr. So-So into Mr. Sexy AF. Your mistake isn't giving someone "different from your normal type" a chance, it's assuming that these men are so below you that they won't play the same game as the pretty boys.
“Make sure a man is more into you than you are into him” is solid advice until you realize that men are experts at turning the table and making you fall hard and fast. The first month he was on you, but by the second month, you’re the one open due to the attention and treatment. That’s the Catch phase. Then, out of nowhere, that same eager man stops calling as much, stops trying to see you, gets busy, and eventually you stop speaking altogether. That’s the Release phase. Why did he do that? What was the point? Keep reading...
I’ve heard all the stories from, “Everything changed after we had sex,” to “I didn’t even fuck him, he still started acting funny” and most recently, “He doesn’t make an effort to see me anymore but still watches all my IG stories…” Rejection is a bitch, especially when you felt like the dominant force in the driver’s seat. He was on your clit, yet he still had the power to take away his attention and hurt your feelings. You say you don’t care, but you do. You claim he didn’t ghost you, but he did. Yeah, he’ll text back some dry bullshit if you hit him first—doesn’t mean he likes your ass. Yeah, he watches your social media stories—but he’s looking at every cute girl’s story, that shit isn’t special. You may even pretend you cut him off, but the reality is if he reached out and wanted to see you, you would be like— “If you want…” You still want to repair things, not because you see him as special, but because rejection invalidates your ego.
To feel better, you need to be recognized by the same person who pulled you in and pushed you away. Vent about him, curse his name, go date someone else, it won’t take away the pain, beloved. The very thought of him triggers you because once again a man made you look stupid. He’s off living his best life, and you’re stuck in your feelings, wondering what you said, did, or didn’t do that drove him away. In the end, it’s all a game, and it’s time for you to stop losing.

The Pursuit
Do the romantic actions of men during those first few weeks or months mean they want you? That depends on how you define “want.” 90% of straight men would fuck you, yes even you over there who just sucked your teeth…your low self-esteem having ass could get dick tomorrow if you tried because guys are easy. Sex or the fetish attraction driven by lust is not the “want” I’m referring to when discussing pursuit. When I say “want” I’m talking about a passion to get to know who you are beneath the surface, not beneath your clothes. I’m pointing to a need to experience the whole of you and ultimately to tether himself as your man because he can’t imagine another having you. Every male has romantic passion inside of him. There is no such thing as a man who doesn’t want or need love. “So why didn’t he want me after I did XYZ” Ah-ha! That’s the carrot that’s dangling. Just because a man is capable of giving you his love doesn’t mean he will. In my book Men Don’t Love Women Like You I outline Game Changer’s versus Placeholders, so I won’t go into that psychology. Instead I want you to understand what negative pursuit looks like so you can save yourself the frustration of falling for someone who will eventually run hot then go cold.
When was the last time you’ve been truly wanted on a deeper level than the physical? Do you even know how to tell the difference between someone truly interested and someone who is chasing you for sport? Each of you has dated or has seen enough of your friends' date to recognize that pursuit doesn’t equate to genuine interests. Even still, you “give chances” aka “allow yourself to be played” because you have yet to master the ability to poke holes in a person’s character. You want to believe in the bullshit philosophy that if a person is treating you good in the beginning that their intentions are pure. A few dates, daily texts, long phone calls, going on a trip, are nothing but a smokescreen, but you swear it means that a person really likes you because when it comes to romance, ego drowns out wisdom!
A man’s willingness to chase what’s between your legs isn’t the same as craving you on a deeper emotional level. Some men chase to get over exes. Some men chase to boost their own low self-esteem. Some men chase out of power. Some men chase women in relationships because it feels good to beat out another man. Some men chase women who see them as platonic, just because they want to prove they can get out of that friend box. Some guys get your number just text you, never even asking you on a date, because you're just conversation, not worth taking out. Some men talk to you just to get closer to your friend, that's who he really wants to hit. And yes, men chase women for pussy more times than not because that’s what we’re hard-wired to want, a nut. I know you’re thinking, “I hate boys, I quit.” Again, I’m not talking about ALL MEN. I’m just preparing you to toughen up, so you see past the ones I’m currently describing. By the time you finish reading this complete article you'll understand the game on a new level, and that's my job, to help you sidestep these men who chase you but don't really want you, in order to meet and hook the men who are ready to love on a mature level.

Why Male Bullshit Works
Woman Logic: But there are so many other women he could go after that would be easier… why spend all that time talking on the phone… why spend money on dates… why tell me all these deep things… why chase me if it was just a hallow act of boredom, lust, or competition?
Men don’t need a cosmic reason to go after you other than an impulse. The game goes CHASE, CATCH, RELEASE until we run into a Game Changer that makes us want to hold onto the catch stage longer than normal or even forever. Some men like the idea of a woman, but once they get hold of her, that reality can fail to create that same spark as that imagined fantasy, so they fall back, get busy, or simply pop up with something new so you get the hint. I know… it’s a cold fucked up world. Even making it this simple, you’re probably still confused: If a guy just wants to have sex, why doesn’t he say it? If he still wants to shop around why treat you like a girlfriend? Men will lie for one simple reason, and that is...