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I hope you all had fun reading the different perspectives of my guest writers, and for the final guest post, we have Will Anthony aka Bmore Banner. He's the founder of  I'm Getting Divorced which gives a running commentary on his divorce from his soon to be ex-wife and why they failed. I don't have a ratchet baby mother, I have a classy wife, so he's the perfect person to write about this topic. Enjoy. I'll be back next week. Get ready for my new book free for all members! - G.L. Lambert

The Ratchet Baby Mama

Written By W.Anthony

When you look at urban definition of a baby mother, it is what it is, "The mother of one's child." In a time of celebrity divorces and child support, let's not forget alimony, I thought this would be a good time to talk about the differences between "the mother of one's child" from the Spartan & Ratchet point of view. This may not be my exactly my brother NC-17’s definitions on Spartan or Ratchet, but I’ve read this site since the first day and I’ve read Solving Single front to back, so I think it’s safe to say that I know the difference between a strong ass Spartan chick that has confidence, class, and isn’t afraid to put a man like me on blast when I do wrong--- from an eye rolling, know it all, passive aggressive Ratchet chick who settles beef like a teenager. I've seen them all. A lot of you reading this are ratchet and won't admit it, and some of you deal with ratchet men with kids, but won't walk away from his chump ass because you are in love. I'm about to call all y'all out, worse than G.L. does in his books, so don't start crying! For those of you with children or dating men who have kids, there is one thing to remember that will save you a lot of time and heartbreak and that is...

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