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How the fuck does a marriage end in less than three months? Easy, you spend six months obsessing over what flavor of icing the cake will have instead of obsessing over what kind of life you and your fiancé will have. When your focus is on who’s coming to your wedding, not who’s going to be there when the wedding ends, you’re begging for trouble. Kim Kardashian was so thirsty to get married and shove her “Fairy Tale” wedding in everyone’s face that the bitch made a crucial blunder… she forgot to build a solid relationship. Look at me world, marvel at my 20 caret diamond ring, behold my corn feed fiancé! I’m not some vapid whore who only dates Black guys; I’m as good as Kate Middleton! Poor Kimmy, for all the money and fame she has she can’t get over the fact that mainstream America will never love her the way they love Britney. Regardless of her complexion Hollywood sees Kim Kardashian as a nigger, and no matter how royal her wedding or how white her husband looked she was never going to get people to embrace her like a token White celebrity. Paris Hilton use to laugh at her behind her back and that mean girl shit had to hurt. Kim probably  thinks the world is always giggling at her in the same fashion, and maybe it’s because of that insecurity she allowed that chip on her shoulder to lead her down the wrong aisle. You don’t get married to prove people wrong, you get married because you can’t imagine yourself waking up to anyone else for the rest of your life.

Personally I don’t really care who Kim Kardashian fucks, sucks, or marries. Yeah, I co-sign that she’s a living work of art when it comes to looks, but personality wise she doesn’t do anything for me that makes me a fan. It’s not that I’m above celebrity voyeurism, as proof by my unconditional love for Lindsay Lohan, I get why this culture goes crazy for certain people. I hate hypocritical people who judge others by saying, “People get divorced every day, they’re not paying you to care so why talk about it” th...

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