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“I have my own crib, nice car, and no kids. Every man should want me but why don’t they?” is a general question I get at least once a week. There is a misconception that because a woman is independent and doing well that a man would choose her over a broke chick who lives at home with her mother and has baby daddy drama. Here is the reality check: Bum bitches stay winning because the average man could care less about a woman’s net worth. Common sense would dictate that we men should strive to have a relationship with a woman with ambition and a career, but that’s rarely the case. We don’t want to fuck shorty because she has a Benz, we want to fuck shorty because of how she looks. It’s the Cinderella effect, men don’t care where you come from, we’re more concerned about how sexy you looked when you walked into that room. The Prince will pass up all of these equally powerful women for a woman who was going nowhere fast because men hunt for trophies, not partners.

 So why can a man fall in love with a loser and live happily ever after and a woman can’t? Because women need more than a pretty face and good sex to be TRULY happy. I’ve heard so many stories from women who have been with guys for years and their main complaint isn’t cheating, or being used, it’s the fact that their men aren’t doing shit with their lives. If a guy fucks you and never calls, you learn and become a wiser person. If a man pops in and out of your life using you, eventually you will smarten up and stop being his victim. But to be crazy in love with a guy who is content being at the bottom will create lifelong problems. He will tell you he loves you, he will marry you, and he will give you kids, but he will also stay at the same pay level, waste money on dumb shit, and blame others for his lack of success until the day he dies. To love a man with no ambition or drive is like having an adult kid who refuses to move out of the basement. Is that really the person you want to spend the rest of your l...

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