“Our husbands weren't brain surgeons, they were blue-collar guys. The only way they could make extra money, real extra money, was to go out and cut a few corners” – Karen Hill
Goons, Thugs, Hoods… these men may not be the most educated, they may not be the most attractive, but they live life according to their own rules. These men don’t take shit or bite their tongue. They hustle by any means necessary and regardless of the situation they were born into they are going to get theirs. Goons are about that life which the average person looks down on. From the wise guys on Staten Island to the hustlers down in the 504, Goons are a catch 22. They’re the type of guys women claim not to want, but they’re the type of guys they usually fall for.
A lot of women aren’t Chris Brown proof, but even more aren’t Goon proof. Most women don’t make the first move, so they are usually left settling for guys who show the most interest. Most wavy niggas have a surplus of pussy, so they become just as reluctant to speak first as a shy girl. Young Usher Raymond is not going to risk rejection just because you gave him shy eye contact. A Goon on the other hand has no problem yelling your name across the food court to let you know he’s trying to take you out. Goons have been living by YOLO before Drizzy made it the motto. Those niggas don’t care about rejection. They see something they like and go for it, it doesn’t matter if she’s out of his league or a bustdown, these men don’t wait for signs, they get at you. Because of this reckless pursuit of pussy, Goons monopolize local hood chicks and turn out girls from the suburbs with ease. He may not be your type, but he showed interest, persistence, and probably said something ignorant that made you smile. Of course you’re going to give him your number, you may not plan on going out with him, or think he’s just someone to laugh at, but Goons go hard in the paint, once they get that number they’re going to win you over. I know the fine wine si...