Degree, Career, and then Dick is what I tried to stress the last time I talked about college. However, staying on the right path of academics over boys is nearly impossible even for the most focused females who are currently packing their bags for college. Higher Education isn't limited to scholastics; college is a chance to major in people as well. From roommates to mentors to crushes, these people will help you to discover who you really are and lead to the biggest growth of your life. The crazy thing about growth is that it's littered with trial and error. Over the next four years, you will make mistakes… a lot of them… but hopefully never the same one twice. Consider this your orientation, print it out and nail it to your dorm room wall. I know the 17 and 18-year-old girls are going to screw their faces up. You 90's babies think you have all the answers because you haven't been played since 10th grade and no man in your city has what it takes to talk your panties off. Don't be naïve, baby girl. When it comes to high school boys, you may have them all figured out, but college is a jamboree of intelligent men from different states and countries. Just because you were able to see through local niggas who are now bagging groceries at the local Kroger doesn't mean you are good enough to dick shield yourself from a guy with a British accent who runs track and majors in political science. Your coochie will get ran through unless you check your ego and reevaluate everything you know about "boys" because you're now in the land of men.
High School Boyfriends Do Not Exist In This Dojo
By winter break your back home boo's going to be fucking that girl from your gym class that you hated. Long Distance high school relationships rarely work because men and women are at a stage in their life where they want something new. The thirst for knowledge and sex is normal and undeniable at this age. I know, I know, your relationship is different you two have been through so much and wi...