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Think about the simplicity of a romantic relationship for a minute. If you cut out all the bullshit, it’s essentially two people meet, they make their attraction known, they get to know one another, and then decide if they’re compatible enough to take it to the next level. If the, “I really like you,” is mutual they enter into a monogamous relationship. If neither one of these people feel they are a match, or if one doesn’t feel as much of a connection, they part ways. Repeat until you find the right one. That shit sounds simple, but when you take away the ability to honestly communicate because you fear keeping it real will make you seem like an asshole, ruin your shot at sex, or lead to an ego bruising rejection, relationships become stressful and complex. Instead of, “This works. This doesn’t work,” you’re stuck trying to force it to work for the sake of your ego or on a mission to get that other person to see that you don’t want it to work without hurting their feelings.
Women talk to guys who they don’t think are cute and get ugly dick trapped all day every day because they refuse to communicate honestly. I guarantee that the majority of women reading this has talked to, gone with, or fucked a guy who they initially wanted nothing to do with. Why do ugly guys keep getting at me, do they think I’m just as ugly? You’re not ugly; but they do think you’re desperate. A guy like this knows that 8 out of 10 girls date down, and odds are you’re one of them. This goes for intelligence and finances as well. Women who toot their horn that they are out of certain nigga’s league will actually go down to the minor’s and give him a shot if her only other options consist of fucking her vibrator or fucking her ex-boyfriend. The inability to communicate, “yes I’m shallow, and no I don’t want you calling me because I would never be happy reproducing with you no matter how nice you are,” is seen as mean and basic bitches throughout history have preached, “one option is better than...

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