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You know dudes are only out for one thing and aren’t falling for the bullshit... I get it—you’re different. Your mother didn’t raise no fool and you’d never let a man disrespect you... I get it—you’re different. You don’t need a man, and you don’t get caught up with the lovey dovey shit... I get—you’re different. You are smarter, savvier, and built from an entirely new DNA that scientists haven’t even discovered! You don’t even like to be called "female" because the geneticist that defined the term never met a creature like you…I get it—you’re different, the guys you deal with are different, and the moment you step in the room the facts of life becomes false. Now that you’re through riding your own clit about how special you are, let’s get back to reality. If you drive on the opposite side of the highway you’re going to crash, if you cut yourself you will bleed, and if you let hubris convince you that your love life will always be the exception, then you're in for a lot of heartbreak. I don’t care how special you think you are, the rules still apply because you are a  human being, and when those human emotions get involved that specialty act goes out the window and you can't say for sure how different from other girls you truly will be.
Every woman is unique, but when you add a man to the equation, it’s shocking how most revert to the same basic ass mindset. It should be reworded, “I’m different…until I meet a man that I like.” It’s so easy to act tough or not fall for the game when you’re dealing with thirsty niggas or dudes you think are just okay, but what your ego won’t allow you to admit is that you have trouble with the curve ball…the curve ball being a guy that looks the right way and gives the right attention. The moment Ms. Cut from a different cloth cute face with a high GPA don’t call me a female because I was really born on Krypton, meets that man that can make her wet, make her think, make her laugh,...

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