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What are you missing that makes a man want to fuck you but not want to commit to you? Let’s say that you did everything right in terms of presentation. You dated properly, you had actual in person conversations, you talked more than texted, and you showed this man your soul before you leaned over into his lap and showed him the back of your head. Is it that your swag is incurably corny? Is your personality set to basic and no one has the balls to tell you? Are you all sex appeal, with no substance or all heart with no sex appeal? Maybe your ex was right and you are bat shit crazy… Why did that guy you were with string you along, and then turn around and give the world to the next girl he started dating after you? Was she prettier, more submissive, better in bed? Here you are thinking you're great, but men pick you up and put you down like a toy... I was asked by a male reader to shed some light on why guys take their time with certain women, as he's currently in a situation with a girl who he likes but isn't ready to commit to. Dear Paranoid & Neurotic Women: Not every situationship is the same, not every guy that doesn't commit is trying to play you. So today let's talk about why men are afraid to take the next step with women that are seemingly perfect, let's talk about TRUST!
I say this all the time, MEN KNOW FAST IF YOU ARE OR AREN’T WORTHY OF COMMITMENT. It doesn’t take months upon months, but sometimes the reason behind a decision to wait that long isn't about game, it’s about the lack of the one thing all men need in order to commit: Trust. I was in Long Beach with this girl, let’s call her Kate because it’s not even close to her name, and a female friend of hers. When Kate’s friend pulled her card about being in a situationship, Kate did what a lot of women do, she got defensive. First she blew it off saying this guy, Rick, was just fun, someone to keep her company because working and being in college didn’t leave time for her to have a boyfriend. I aske...

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