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Let’s talk about being annoying in a real way. Not in a generic way like telling people you’re a vegan, talking too much, bragging about bullshit, etc... Everyone can be annoying depending on how your day is going, and everyone does things that make you shake your head at one point or another. However, there are things that men and women both do that point to character flaws that hold them back from being loved. Those are the annoying ass personality quirks or insecurities that are changeable, but they don't want to look inward.
From the huge pool of women and men that I’ve pulled examples from, being an annoying man isn’t always a deal breaker, but being an annoying woman gets you curved nearly every time out. I can sit here and rant about lames that do clown shit, text clown shit, and talk about clown shit, but I’ve been saying, “have standards, choose a man worthy of your time,” but most women still give these clowns a shot because they’re lonely and he’s handsome. Therefore, I’m going to focus on women specifically because unlike men, you don’t get second chances after you act stereotypical. Some of you have great personalities, are funny, and smart, and your close friends can attest to this… but when you’re first getting to meet a new person they don’t know that side, they can only judge how you come off during the first weeks or month. There lies the problem; a lot of you are annoying as fuck at first. It’s the nerves, the pressure, the past failures, the anxieties of love that turn you from chill and laid back to Amazing Amy 2.0. You do things wrong without knowing you’re doing them, and guys grin and bear it for New Pussy’s sake, or because you’re bringing something else to the table, but it doesn't last. In the end, guys grow tired of you and find an exit without actually telling you the true reason. The question, “Why doesn’t he like me,” isn’t as simple as “Oh, he’s just not the one for you.” If we’re being honest it could be a case of you being annoying ...

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