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Why do you let guys play games with your heart? Oh, that’s right, you don’t let them, they trick you. Men are so smart these days that you can’t tell “He Wants Me” from “He’s A Waste.”  I call BULLSHIT. What are these men doing that makes a woman like you with all this common sense, not be able to tell that he's using you or that he's not the one for you in the long run?
I'll wait...
Let’s go with the idea that we as men are sooooo crafty and that you just don’t know how to tell the good from the bad because no one ever schooled you. Your dad didn't tell you, your friends didn't tell you, your mom may have been a Basica... whatever the cause, you don't know how to read men, figure out red flags, and find the good ones out of the batch of idiots that approach you. If this is the case, then allow me to help you out. The best free advice I could have give womankind is this: 8 out of the next 10 men you meet will not actually want you or deserve you.
I don’t care if it’s a guy that’s been crushing on you for years and finally gets a shot—he’ll ghost you once he’s lived out his fantasy. I don’t care if it’s that nice guy who just started working at your job and says all the proper things—he’ll ghost you after he explores your pussy. I don’t even care if it’s your on again off again man who has been through the struggles with you—he won’t end up with you in the end OR you will stick with him and realize that he wasn’t it and you could have done MUCH better. The optimistic law that there’s someone for everyone is a lie. Women die alone or settle with a man they never wanted, every day! Now that you know this, you can’t pretend to be ignorant to the game. You can’t blame your next love failure on not knowing. So, now what? Should you give up and complain that dating is hard? Should you just settle? No. There are men in your city now or ones who are about to move to your city that are GREAT FUCKING GUYS. These are men who are now matured, who maybe learned their lessons, or ...

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