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Settle Season. As the seasons change, so do your options. The guys you wouldn’t normally tak to seem suddenly seem like an option and men who wouldn’t normally fuck with you, start to slide in your inbox. Why? Because everyone around this time of year is BORED and HORNY! Here's what I've seen over the past week: G.L. I met this guy at a gas station and now he's trying to take me on vacation. G.L. this guy from high school popped back up, telling me how I was the one that got away. G.L. here's a screenshot from [insert famous person's name] what do I DM him back?
Women get hit on the most during settle season, no it’s not your new hairstyle, it’s because men aren’t getting out as much so you’re looking like a snack! Cute dick, rich dick, broke dick, ugly dick, simp dick, player dick, foreign dick, sponsor dick, and it's overwhelming because too many women don't know how to juggle men or test for TRUE intent. Today I want to address the women that settle and men that allow themselves to be settled for...  Ladies you should be ale to date multiple men (date not fuck, Thotiana) who you actually want to be with not waste time with guys who don't even get your pussy moist. Fellas you should have the confidence in yourself and wisdom to know when a woman is really into you versus one who just needs a text buddy or a free meal. Buckle up, drop your defenses, and allow me to put a much needed foot in all your asses...
Attention Is For Peasants
How many guys do you have in your phone right now actively messaging you or calling you. That shit's not rhetorical. Pause and add them up. Now out of all of those men, how many of them do you really want? How many of them can actually bring something to your table? How many of them are impressive enough to put in front of your family and friends and get props? How many of them do you really want on a deep level versus are just their to entertain you while bored? I'll answer for you-- maybe one. There are men that blow you away and who...

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