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Who hurt you and why can’t you let it go? Your childhood wasn’t ideal, how much pity do you need to move forward from that? Your first time loving someone ended with betrayal, how much anger and regret needs to build up before you get over it? No one appreciates what you do for them, how many times do you need to keep pointing that out before you stop being unselfish? 9 out of 10 people are never going to change they're just going to complain. Hurt feels like armor at first, it keeps you safe, but it’s actually a cage that stunts you emotionally and poisons every choice you make. You love being petty, you love bringing up the past, you love having an attitude, you get off on reminding people about all you do for them, and you really love shifting blame onto someone else.
Your safe place is reminding people that nothing is your fault because being a victim feels better than the admission that you have no idea of how to change your results for the better. You didn't choose your parents that hurt you or let you down. You didn't choose the city where you were born. But as an adult you now get to choose. You choose who to date. Who to keep dating. What job to pursue and take. Most importantly you choose to ignore your personality flaws that lead you to making mistake after mistake. It's time to stop the cycle. You can't drink away the hurt, smoke away the hurt, fuck away the hurt, sleep all day, or wait for someone to save you from your own thoughts. It's on you! You're destined to do better than what you're doing right now. But you have to CHOOSE to read this entire article with an open mind, not that same old defensive attitude and watch how quickly your life changes. Are you ready or are you going to run away from these words?

Let’s define what it means to be damaged. I’m referring to those that have been traumatized by people or events, and instead of seeking to come to grips with those things, they continue as if nothing is wrong. ...

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