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On a scale of 1-10 how would you rank yourself? Hold that answer in your head and I'll tell you why it's all bullshit that's hurting you more than helping you...
Women are under attack by "fake experts" who's only goal is to gaslight those ladies with low self esteem into settling. Who wins when you put yourself down? Low Value Men because now you lower the bar so they can attain you. WAKE UP and break free from this brainwashing and recognize that no matter how you look or how much you weigh, you WILL WIN at love!
On today's show G.L. breaks down Kevin Samuel's ranking system, and how your thoughts on your looks and feeding into BS is manifesting in your love life. Also we discuss the major keys to meeting new men and getting them to actively pursue you no matter how you look.
Press Play and listen now! This is Epic!

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