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Every one has a little Pick Me... or a LOT of Pick Me traits. Even if you don't want to admit it, subconsciously you are holding yourself back by showing low vibrational PICK ME traits. "not me!" Yes, you, Basica! And that's why you're not able to Spartan Up and have successful men eating out of your ass. Men fuck Pick Me's, they use Pick Me's as placeholders, but no high value man actually wants you after your pussy gets played out and your Pick Me ways start to come to the surface. It's time to do a deep dive into your subconscious!

On today's show we're joined by the controversial Kimber Shan as we discuss the bad habits that you need to face to become a Game Changer! Plus we finally answer all of your Instagram questions about a wide range of dating and relationship issues. This is the episode you've been dying for! Click Play Below!

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