How much more time are you going to waste being single? Are you even trying at this point or are you waiting for someone to drop in your lap and love you in all the ways you want to be loved? You can't blame a lack of quality men when there are women in your SAME city who can find love easily. If you want this year to be different then It's time to recognize that you are doing something WRONG.
"You're triggering me," good, because someone needs to call you out on your bullshit. You have so much the offer yet there you go wasting it, because you don't know what you're doing when it comes to dating and relationships.
You meet someone, get a date offer, and then nothing... what went wrong? You vibe with someone when texting, then suddenly they're ignoring you, ... what went wrong? Your personality!
Here's a secret from a man about my fellow males. We fall in love fast if a woman knows how to push the right buttons! But we fallback even faster if you show us certain things about your personality that causes us to compare you to basic bitches we used to date. Ladies, realize that men have this fantasy idea of who you are, until you show them that you're typical... so how do you date in a way where you're not coming off like the rest of these birds, you date with a game plan!
On Today's podcast we're going to go over the 2 Questions you never ask a man on a date AND the 1 thing you shouldn't do until at least 40 days in...
Plus on this loaded show we talk about long distance relationships, the female orgasm trick that men need to learn, plus we break down the question below and how to make any man respect and chase you no matter your waist size.