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High Maintenance isn't about sitting on the internet talking about what you wouldn't and wouldn't do. It's about living a life where you PROVE that you have standards. This isn't about materialistic things, it's about self-respect. In my books, I've taught each one of you how to date like you're the prize. That's very different from some fake ass City Girl wannabe who sits on YouTube or social media clucking about, "I only date 6 figure men who would never take me to Cheesecake factory," because in reality 9.99 out of 10 of those women are LYING! They fuck any half handsome guy who gives them attention. “There aren’t any providers out here…” is the lie you tell. Meanwhile I had an Indian woman and Black woman email me on the same day last year to tell me about how my book Ho Tactics led them to fiancés. Two women. Same day. That’s the universe smacking you in the face. Men who spoil, love, and commit are out there stop crying because you aren’t following the blueprint I give out!

Your problem is that you are attracted to trash and think you can turn these trash men into your husbands. He's tall, played college basketball 6 years ago, but now works part time at Home Depot-- you're going to still fuck him Basica!

He has a nice beard and a bad boy disposition, but he acts mysterious about what he does for work, because he doesn't have a job... but his deep voice calling you "baby girl" floods your panties-- you're going to still fuck him Basica!

You don't have boundaries, you don't have high standards, and I'll prove it. List all of the men who have sampled your vagina and tell me how many of them would be considered successful in a white man's world? The men you allow to have you, are a reflection of you. How can you ever call yourself Great if average men can have you just by texting, flirting, and love bombing you with stories of their potential?

Every February I see a spike in women coming to me for advice. Why? Because the guys they've been fucking, sucking, and cuffing don't get them shit for V-Day. It shouldn't take a holiday for you to recognize that you want more and he's not in a position to give it. While people claim money doesn’t matter, it does. Your attitude towards that man and his attitude towards you will turn hostile after months or years of realizing that you will never get treated, tricked on, or spoiled like other women who aren’t half the catch you are.

WHAT IF THIS WERE THE BAR: Only date providers. Only enter into relationships with providers. That way if it does stand the test of time you already know you’re marrying a provider. Even if you can provide for yourself, isn’t that a smart way to ensure generational wealth and that your future isn’t a struggle?

When you’re young, you can afford to grow together, but when you’re a woman in her mid-twenties on up with amazing things going for herself, why talk to guys who can’t match you step by step? Don’t deflect with “in my city there’s only broke dudes” because statistically, that’s impossible. Don’t deflect with “men lie about what they have,” because all that tells me is that you don’t date properly or vet their lifestyle. And don't deflect with this idea that you have to be shooting in the gym with a man.

In honor of the release of the Ho Tactics: Gold Edition Book & Audio Book (Click here to read or listen v-->, sorry for the wait) I want to delve into the concept of value. What makes you different form the next woman? I've coached women on Ho Tactics and Spartan dating and they found quality husbands or wealthy boyfriends. Meanwhile, you're telling me there's no men? Again, I ask, what makes you different from the next woman?

You live in the same city as women who date nothing but men of stature, meanwhile you date down or not at all? How is she able to meet so many men? Are you two going to different parts of the same town? Is your eye-fuck flirting not as strong as hers? Do you not go outside? Can your fingers not take a pretty Bumble photo? There are powerful women who manage to find ballers no matter if it’s in Detroit, Tampa, or Boulder and some of you can’t even find a man in New York or LA?  Value. Each one of you prides yourself on having standards, in theory, but in practice do you demand your worth?

To become your boyfriend, takes what?

To get you to open up about your life, takes what?

To get you to spread your legs open and let him inside of you, takes what?

Think back to the last guy you dealt with and what he ACTUALLY did to win any of those things from you? Your Pussy isn’t Bitcoin it’s Blockbuster Video. These men talk to you like you’re priceless, but treat you like you’re worthless. Most of you fuck for the cost of one or two dates. Even more of you allow a man to become your boyfriend by simply asking after a few weeks or a month. When it comes to lowering your guard, I wager that 90% of you tell a stranger all your business the first time you hang out. I bet there are men who can check some of you with, “I fucked her and didn’t even have to take the bitch out,” “I fucked her, and all it cost me was a quarter tank of gas and a $40 dinner bill” or “I fucked her and ended up getting money out of her”. We as men know that you women lie about the imaginary shit you need for us to get you open because we’ve all run through girls that bragged but didn’t back it up. Here’s some key advice I want all of you to take the next time you are texting with ANY man. Set your value by writing this easy seduction line “Just to…

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