The wildest Podcast episode of the year! We answer your top dating and relationship questions plus dive into, The Double Standard of Dating: If a woman has sex with a man on a first date, she's for the streets, a ho, nasty, unwifable... If a man has sex on the first date, he's a pimp, a player, a lady's man... and still husband material to any woman he dates next. Men aren't called sluts, yet they routinely try to fuck every woman they date most of the time as soon as possible, saying whatever and promising the moon and stars in order to get those legs to open. If a woman gives in because she likes that guy then 90% of the time she's going to be judged as "fast and loose" an easy whore who he could never see himself taking seriously...

Wifeable: A woman who embodies all the characteristics of a future wife. Honesty, integrity, loyalty, and void of promiscuities...

If you're easy to fuck I could never see myself with you seriously...

If you don't fuck after I take you out a few times then I'm not wasting money taking you out again...

Which is it? ...and why do men contradict themselves so much? Do men want women who challenge them to date slowly and respectfully OR a woman that vibes quickly and sleeps with him at his pace?

The fear of being labeled for doing the same thing a man is doing keeps a lot of women from living their best life. Most grown women don't even know how to use sex as a weapon because they're ruled by the fear of judgment. Celibacy vows, 90 Day rules, 3 date minimums, it has to be official first, all of these gimmicks are created to protect a woman from being branded with a reputation.

Why did he apply pressure then ghost you? "It was because I had sex with him... I'm making the next man wait." This is said out of PAIN not out of DESIRE. You're allowing male actions to dictate your sexual life out of fear. On the other side of the fence, Men don't experience negative sex labels so they don't care who they fuck or how fast they munch on a pussy, guys are notoriously promiscuous, yet they put so much pressure on women to be damn near virgins...

On today's Podcast Episode we're going to break down the dou

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