Simp Boys let you walk all over them…
Secure Males challenge you…
Sassy Men compete with you…
On Today’s podcast episode, we’re going to break down several relationship topics, but one in particular is the rise of the “Sassy Man,” those heterosexual guys who bring feminine energy into a relationship instead of being confident, protective, and masculine.
A woman recently told me that she was on vacation with her boyfriend in Mexico, and she saw a side of him that was hidden for the first four months since they’ve been together:
While walking along a boardwalk area, her boyfriend walked in front of her. When a vendor flirted with her, then grabbed her arm, she loudly said, “I’m with him—” The Boyfriend was several feet in front of her by this point. He looked back, stopped, and waited like she was annoying him, never walking back to grab her or see what was going on.
The Girlfriend walked to her boyfriend and told him exactly what had happened. This dude sucked his teeth and said, “It’s Mexico! You’re the one being dumb for not keeping up with me. I told you we should have stayed inside the resort.”
Think about that. Do you want a man who sucks his teeth, blames you for enticing other men, and makes you feel like he doesn’t have your back if shit goes down?
Most of you are shaking your head. This isn’t something you want or would put up with no matter what… because that’s an extreme case of Sassiness. But let’s be real. Most of you reading this constantly deal with sassy men and turn the other cheek because it’s a slow build of little comments and small passive-aggressive actions that you don’t see as red flags at first.

He’s cute, so you don’t mind if he’s a little sassy. He’s spending money, so you don’t mind if he throws sassy fits. He brings more to the table than your last boyfriend, so you allow him to get away with body shaming you, talking shit about your makeup, and telling you what you should or shouldn’t wear… You allow these soft-ass men to slowly win you over, and the moment they get comfortable, you get the real him, the diva, the narcissist, the control freak who you now don’t know how to handle nor have the strength to break up with.
“Why do I always pick the wrong men…” This isn’t on you, beloved! Part of being “Sassified” is the ability to gaslight you into thinking that he’s not being sassy— you’re just being difficult. He’s not emotional, you’re the one pushing his buttons. He’s not hot and cold, you’re the one who always turns something petty into something big. He does so much for you, and you act like you don’t care… get the picture? It’s giving cunty, manipulative, and low vibrational! Sassy men point the finger, guilt you into confusion, and you end up back in his web, thinking it’s your fault for not being a better woman. It’s time to pay attention and stop feeding into these kinds of males.
You deserve a man who is going to cuff you close and let people know that you are his and he is yours.
You deserve a man who can discuss a problem without raising his voice and talking over you because he always has to be right.
You deserve a man who is secure enough to give you your space and not cry when you don’t text back or can’t see him.
You deserve a man who is going to love you unconditionally, not throw the things he does back in your face as a means to control you.

Also, on today’s show, we talk about how to reconnect with an ex, dating app rules for plus-sized women, being mysterious versus telling a man too much, and, of course, the questions you’ve sent in! And if your question hasn’t been answered yet, email us at
Now sit back and get ready to laugh and learn! Press play below to listen to this full episode!