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A man can ask you for sex—and get it! …But you can’t even ask them for uber money, rent money, plane fair, or help with a bill? “I’m not a prostitute”. You’re not smart either. Why would you ever give your mind, body, and soul to a man who hasn’t invested his time, effort, or money? Basicas think courting is text messages and “come see me,” is putting in work. He texts you all day and opens up about his dreams and goals, YAYYYY! Do you want a cookie for getting the same level of pursuit as a 16-year-old? A woman who understands her value knows that “I like you” requires proof and “I love you” requires deep receipts!

-If he likes you, he will work around even a busy schedule to make sure he's consistently spending time with you.

-If he likes you then he would take you out on dates that reflect how special he thinks you are.

-If he likes you, he will come out of his pocket to treat you to nice things or gifts.

“I love you,” is cheap and meaningless unless they’ve put their time, effort, and money, where their mouth is. Some of you are nodding along in agreement BUT you still won’t ask for this kind of treatment, especially money.

Closed mouths and open legs don’t mix! How are you in the dating stage, relationship stage, or even married and afraid to ask the man you’re with for money or gifts? If my man wants me to have something he’ll offer,” do you hear that? That’s a Basica with pride fumbling the bag. You’re so afraid to hear “no” or so focused on being independent that you don’t realize how easy it is to get what you want from these men. Just last month this woman who read and had the courage to use my book Ho Tactics can come away with 10k from a man she had only known a week—no sex, no tongue kissing, no nudes being shared, she simply asked, and he gave. Meanwhile you’re sitting their paying ALL your own rent or stressed over a bill and you’re actually having sex with these men.

                “I’m not a gold digger,” “I don’t want to feel like I owe a man,” Blah Blah Blah! Your blood type must be E— because you’re FILLED with excuses as to why you’re dealing with guys who aren’t doing anything for you.  You’re a woman, the creator of life, God in the flesh, and the thing men chase even more than money! Stop selling yourself short and understand that your heart needs to be earned with time, effort, loyalty, and FINANCES.  It’s time to stop being this prideful pick me and embrace the fact that it costs to date a woman of your stature.

If you don’t believe you’re a high value woman that deserves more and that you should be 50/50 with a man for the rest of your life, then click off this website right now, there’s no point in a low vibrational woman reading what I have to say. If you’re about this life and realize that you can get more from the men, you deal with then keep reading because I’m going to break it all the way down…

What To Say To Get What You Want From Any Man

The first step...

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