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Life Lesson You Should Have Learned As A Teenager: A man will smother you with love and affection, then suddenly take it all away as if he never fucking cared.

Why? Why? Why? Because you’re not compatible. You have this desperate need to correct something that isn't working or you feel like a failure. Men, on the other hand, have no problem breaking up, ghosting, or finding a new woman to take YOUR spot the moment they feel they can do better.

She doesn’t listen. She doesn’t get me. She always has something to say. I can’t wait to find a woman who can get me and NEVER switch up,” says every single man who has ever suffered through a woman with basic bitch traits. There is no loyalty to STICK IT OUT, because males are selfish. Guess what? You should be selfish too! Womankind's biggest fumble is putting themselves second while trying to cater to these weak ass males. You would rather set yourself on fire to keep a man who doesn't want you warm.

"But, G.L. what we had was real and real love doesn't just give up," Silly Basica, second chances are for romantic comedies and you're not Carrie, you're not even a fucking Charlotte. You're stuck on a happy ending that isn't meant to be because you don't understand the power of "move the fuck on."

Once a man has made his mind up, he’s not coming back. Sure... bro may come back physically to fuck you a few more times, or he may come back out of boredom to waste a few more months with you, but once he’s done with you emotionally, even if he STILL has love for you, he’ll never TRULY love you the way he used to when it was young and new.

How do I fix this and make him want me like he used to…” Why are you all so fucking hard headed? The goal isn’t to fix what’s already broken. The goal is to understand how to cultivate a loving relationship that doesn’t break in the FIRST place.

Think of a relationship like a car. You got in, drove it, and never changed the oil, and now you’re wondering why the fuck it keeps breaking down. You never learned how to maintain love. You met someone and hit the gas— and thought you were going to end up with his last name. WRONG. Now here you are, single and alone or stuck in a degrading situationship because you never studied how to drive a man. Any woman can make a man fall in lust and thirst for her pussy, but pussy has never kept a man faithful and locked in. Can you deal with his moods, maintain his respect, and give him that deeper connection that will have him glued to you?

You're cool, but you're not wifey. You have 70% of what he's looking for, but not that full 30% that will make him see you as irreplaceable. You're comfortable, but you are not special. This is how these men think about you and talk about you in private. Really let that sink in... you've given up Coochie, Head, and Time to men who knew after a matter of weeks you were not enough.

I rebuild women into Spartans who recognize that they're the prize! Love isn’t hard—it truly isn’t. The key to love has always boiled down to one thing: communication. Can you communicate, or are you just another woman who doesn’t express herself, shuts down, fusses, complains, gets clingy, feels jealous, and ruins a good thing by becoming another Placeholder? Healthy communication is a given especially when your parents probably didn't have the best relationship or you're carrying trauma that hasn't been healed.

You don't have time for years and years of therapy, so how do you communicate properly so you don’t end up old and alone? A shortcut for this kind of communication is to label complex emotions into Five simple “Love Languages.” that help you easily get on the same page with the person you're dating or in a relationship with.

This is Sparta; we don’t deal in gimmicks. We deal in anti-bullshit, no sugar coating, straight-to-the-point tactics that actually work if you’re strong enough to do the work.

On today’s show, we’re going to break down the REAL Spartan love languages and how to create a healthy relationship that doesn’t need fixing. Plus! We answer your questions on dating with kids, how to use dating apps to find a trick or sponsor, and much more! If you want your question read on our next show, email

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