"Do good men even exist," cries the Basic Bitch who gets played every summer. Of course they do! If you go offline and make friends in quality places you'll see there are so many happy couples raising kids and building generational wealth. You can't relate to that woman living rent free in Long Island with the provider boyfriend. You relate to the dummies online who share dick and post messy screenshots because all know are cheaters, liars, and narcissist that pick you up and put you down. That's not living in your power, beloved! Today I'm going to show you how to get out of that low-vibrational mindset and show you how to attract quality men.
You take L's in your love life because you've convinced yourself that you aren't good enough. You attract what you think! ...and if we're being honest, you don't believe you're a bad bitch, that's why you keep making the same mistake year after year after fucking year anytime an attractive man gives you attention.
Some of you are so paranoid that you’re going to be played, ghosted, cheated on, etc… that you talk yourself out of a good thing, cut people off too quickly, or refuse to date altogether. Today I want to help calm your mind with some positive reinforcement and ways to test someone’s true intent.
What are signs that this isn’t a game? How can you be sure that it’s not lust, short-term infatuation, or you’re not a Placeholder? Men will say anything and do anything to get what's between your legs. "He loves me for me," nah, he doesn't even really like you. Bro only wants to fuck and sees you as an easy mark! If you're reading this instead of scrolling TikTok videos then I KNOW you're intelligent... but are you WISE enough to figure out who deserves your time and who is running a long term hustle? Let's take a quiz...
A man love bombing you with gifts, means nothing.
A man dropping the L-word, means nothing.
A man buying you a plane ticket to come see him or deleting his dating app for you, means nothing!
A man eating your pussy for hours or holding you after sex like he loves you may feel warm and fulfilling, but it means nothing!
When a guy looks good, treats you good, and talks to you as if you're the only girl on the planet for him, your inner child goes crazy. "Thank you, Jesus, this is what I've prayed for and you've sent him..." Hold the fuck up, Mary Mary. The initial chase is a false mask, that we as men put on so we can earn fast access to your coochie. This is easy to see through if a man is "just okay" but when you're dealing with someone who looks better than your exes or has true wealth, you ignore the red flags. You want to believe in the fantasy that you've finally gotten what you've always wanted. Hope is a dangerous thing for a weak woman.
After a man gets what he came for he'll fallback or make up some excuse, and even though he's not telling you the truth, you know why... you weren't what he wanted... you're never what any man wants. So there you are back where you started, swearing you're done with love, proclaiming there are not good men. Instead of playing the victim, understand your mistakes!
A Man In Love Vs. Lust
I'm going to test how smart you are. Can you tell lust from love? Can you tell when a man is actually busy or just ignoring you? The number one lie a man tells a woman is...