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One month, you’re thinking you finally found the one. The next month, they won’t even respond to a text. All those feelings get dismissed quicker than a Drake lawsuit, and you don’t even know what went wrong. Deep talks, lit nights, big promises—and now the best thing you can hope for is that they watch your IG story and remember what they just threw away… but you’re not dumb, no matter how much they still check in on you, what you had is over. They’ll move on fast, find someone new, and you’ll be a memory.

Meanwhile, you’ll keep dwelling on them, unable to move on because every new person you try to force yourself to like just doesn’t bring that same vibe. You’re sick of having your heart broken. You’re tired of having to fake like you’re unbothered by rejection. You’re carrying a hurt that’s slowly turning into desperation, and even though you swore you wouldn’t think weak basic thoughts, you’re ready to pop up and swallow every ounce of self-respect because you want another chance to prove you’re worth loving.

Tell me what I did. I can fix it. This has to work… emotional pain will have strong people doing disgustingly weak things in the name of being loved. Your biggest fear is that NO ONE will ever love you, and no matter how tough you act, all your Bad Bitch confidence shrivels up when someone you were into cools on you.

"Attention isn't love. Attraction is not attachment."
-G.L. Lambert

You weren't born basic. Even in high school, you knew better. But time humbles women. The things you wouldn't put up with before... the guys you would never give a second chance to in the past, the bullshit that you would have exposed easily... you now accept. The older you get, the more it sinks in, "What if I never find love?" and that's why you entertain men who have no business being in your life. Your thirst to be validated, to be claimed, to be a fucking "Mrs." has made you a fucking fool. Do you know who doesn't change? Men who know their worth. He didn't lead you on. He led you to your truth: You're too thirsty to be a woman he would move mountains for. You're a leftover, not a Game Changer.

As men, our feelings change like the weather based on a lot of factors, most of which are so small and petty that we would rather ghost you than admit why we fell back. Think about how it started. Men chase you with all kinds of pressure. We catch you and shower insane amounts of affection on you. Then we drop your ass because we now see SOMETHING that we ignored when we were blinded by your face, your ass, your titties, or your kindness. Men see "incompatibility." You're not a bad person, but you're not spectacular, either. You do things, say things, and ARE something that we don't actually want for the long run.

There you are, laid up in bed, playing in his hair while he strokes your thighs, thanking God that you finally found your future husband. Meanwhile, this dude is right next to you thinking, “I don’t even think I like this bitch anymore…”  Kissing you one moment, trying to figure out how to cut you off the next. I’m not trying to be mean. I’m being real. That’s what it’s like to be a man who has run out of lust and now admits to himself that you have too many deal breakers for him to ever see as wifey.

Some of you are in positions where a man doesn't completely vanish. Your ex stays in the background, hits you up, jokes, maybe invites you to places but it's no longer as his "girl" it's as his "sis". Here you are still in love with this man, and he's treating you like his Bro. Are you ugly? Is this a test? Should you just play along and wait for him to see you as the kind of woman he needs?

On today’s show, we’re going to break down what happens when a man stops seeing you as romantic and starts seeing you as “just a friend” and how to power through and regain your power. Plus, we answer questions on the blueprint to dating in a small city without that many options, avoiding sex pressure after dates, exes who pop back into your life, and much more. Don’t miss out on this episode.

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